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Matter of Life and Tech: ‘Tis the season to be ‘science-techy’

’Tis the season for everyone to be doing everything all the time. It’s busy out there, y’all.

While I’m on a personal campaign to stop glorifying business, it is pretty cool to look around and see constant developments in science and tech. Here are three that caught my attention recently, and why they were worth taking a pause.

Scribble Season 3 Launch

Scribble launched three years ago as “South Carolina’s innovation hub” and has been doing an increasingly impressive job of telling the state’s innovation story ever since.

I love that the website content categories include “creativity” and “failure” alongside “applied research” and “intellectual property.” I highly recommend checking out the new (and previous) season of the Scribble podcast, which casts a refreshingly broad net and gives a truer picture of the diversity of innovators in our state.

Precision Genetics

True story: Reporting on a Greenville-based genetics diagnostics company almost a decade ago fostered my deeper interest in life sciences and technology. These days, I tackle precision medicine from the other side, working with clients in the field. But I felt a twinge of nostalgia last month reading about Precision Genetics, a company helping physicians make genetics-based medication prescriptions, right here in UBJ.

Manners for Robots

Clemson University computing professor Ioannis Karamouzas was awarded half a million dollars from the National Science Foundation to research how to program indoor mobile robots to make decisions so they won’t act like jerks.

As Karamouzas pointed out on Clemson’s news site, robots “try to go about their business, which is fine, but they don’t even care about the robot next to them.” It’s nice to see proactive effort to manage potential conflicts as Generation Bot enters the workforce in increasing numbers. Somebody’s gotta do it.

This article originally appeared in Upstate Business Journal.


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